Top 6 Must-Know Summer Hair Care Tips
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What is waterless shampoo?
Waterless shampoo is shampoo that uses only minimal, if any, water in its formulation. Usually, waterless shampoo comes in solid bar form like our superzero shampoo bars. Using less to no water in our concentrated formulas allows us to avoid pl...


What is a conditioner bar and why do I need one?
A solid conditioner bar is a water-less or water-free conditioner in solid bar form. Liquid conditioners sold in plastic bottles consist of up to 80% water and removing that water and instead blending solid ingredients in a melt and pour proces...

Meet the best shampoo (bar) for dandruff
Dandruff is caused by abnormal peeling of the scalp’s epidermal cells which is promoted by factors such as stress, hormonal imbalance, excessive sweating, etc. Dandruff is enhanced by an above normal presence of Malassezia fungi which causes inflammation resulting in itching ...
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